A MUST-Read Before the New Year

by Super User

“Be that something this year that someone else can reflect on that makes them a better person, because you did something special that just might change someone’s life forever.” - Rocky Osborn, Magician and Comedian at Aces Comedy Club. Owner: 4th Street Live. Old Town Temecula.

As you all clean up after Christmas, don’t throw away the spirit of love and generosity along with your piles of wrapping paper. As we move into 2016, keep them in your heart...and “do something”!

Below is an inspiring testimony from Rocky Osborn, which I hope will touch all of your hearts as you read of a simple gift that changed his entire perspective.

“When I hear people talk about growing up poor, I reflect back on my childhood and remember how tough we had it. I'm the youngest of seven. Six of us lived with my parents in a 4 bedroom house in the middle of a cornfield in Illinois. I mostly reflect on one year in particular. It was winter and we lived on propane but had none to warm the house. I remember all of us sleeping around a fireplace my dad had installed in the kitchen and earlier that night we had put several pairs of socks on our hands and feet to stay warm as we scoured the area for anything we could burn, up to and including wood that we stole from an abandoned house. Recently my mom had told me that she didn't think we would make through that winter. Scary today to think that we may not have been here today. We were more than poor and had very little to live on. Then came Christmas. There were no presents under the tree on Christmas Eve like there were some years. I went to bed that night sad knowing that there would be no presents under the tree when I woke up. I didn't hear Santa and his reindeer that night but there was definitely a noise and I rose to see what it was... I looked out the window to see snow falling and a Salvation Army truck outside my window. Christmas came in a different way, and though I don't remember much about what I received, I remember a few things for sure...

1. The Salvation Army is a great company that cares.

2. That night of receiving is the reason why I feel I am so giving and helpful to fundraising and charities (Aces Comedy Club has helped raise over $200,000 for fundraisers and charities over the last three and a half years).

3. Stay Alive was the coolest game in the world. Not only do I reflect on the name of that game and how it had a double meaning that year, but it was wrapped up and under the tree with my name on it that Christmas morning. Some of the marbles were missing but I remember I played that game everyday for a very long time.

As many of you know, I am not a religious person and I'm sure many people will be thinking that God intervened somehow. I will tell you that there are good people and bad people in this world. Life is what we make it. That much I am sure of. This Christmas, do me a huge favor and don't just bow your head to say a prayer or type ‘Amen’ on some Facebook post about someone less fortunate and think you're ‘doing your part’. Donate, help, or give a few bucks to someone that is in need or maybe just a random act of kindness to a stranger. Be that something this year that someone else can reflect on that makes them a better person because you did something special that just might change someone’s life forever.”

Thank you Rocky for all you do for Reality Rally every year, and for all the charities you support.  You are truly a special person.

Happy New Year to everyone. May we continue to “do something” together and change this world for the better!

-Taryn Murphy

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