#GivingTuesday -- Barbara Jo's Story

by Super User

As you all gather with friends and family this Thanksgiving Day, take the time to thank God for health, too! As we anticipate #Giving Tuesday to support women with breast cancer, a combination of thankfulness, awareness, and gumption will be what it takes to spur an amazing response.

For a little encouragement to join in on #GivingTuesday, read the inspiring story of Barbara Jo below. As a little precursor, Gillian says, "This is the story of one of the most remarkable women I have ever known, and not only does she raise funds for breast cancer in the most unbelievable way, but she donates to Michelle's Place through my fundraiser every year. At the age of 60, Barbara Jo Kirchbaum set out to walk, repeating her mantra: "I walk because I can't walk away". 19 years later, she has become a legend and I am honored to know her and thank her for taking the time to donate to our charity. Now, READ ON!"

(Taken from Barbara Jo's blog at http://www.bjkcounselor.com/)

“I start planning my participation in the fight against breast cancer for my 19th year, I can hardly believe that number...19 years....who would have thought that when I began this challenge in 1998 that it would become a long term commitment, a passion and a family endeavor....who would have thought that I would walk over 6900 miles in 145 long distance walks....and more important, who would have thought that I would raise over $1.77million with a goal of $2,000,000....I am also certain that my donors did not think they would become benefactors in this fight....but the facts are, that is what has happened....

My reasons for continuing to participate have just grown....it began as a physical challenge ....could I walk 60 miles at age 60?....it was about having 3 daughters and 5 granddaughters and my concerns for their health....it was about raising money for research and access to care...and specifically when my husband Bob was diagnosed with esophageal gastric cancer that had already metastasized to his liver, he asked me to keep walking and raising money in the hope that the research to treat breast cancer will help other cancers.....Bob died on May 6, 2010 and I continue to honor his memory with every step I walk and every dollar I raise”

My lovely little granddaughter and I handed over Barbara Jo’s generous donation to Michelle’s Place to support those receiving services and also remembering that we at Reality Rally are looking to that future with no breast cancer for our children.

Delivering Barbara Jo's donation

Generous donors have made this possible and generous donors make all things possible. Please donate what you can in the spirit of the International #givingtuesday campaign as I too not only want to support those fighting a fight,thank God I don’t have to but working towards a cure so our children and grandchildren will live in a future without breast cancer. We are all this fight together. Please don’t walk away, please donate whatever you can. It may be your dollar that saves a life."


To donate to Michelle’s Place  https://realityrally.givecorps.com/projects/5825-reality-rally 

Or donate to help Barbara Jo reach her next goal http://www.bjkcounselor.com/  

Now, go out, eat some turkey, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

-Taryn Murphy

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