Joan Hoover

Team Relations Director
Excutive Director of the Board
When you choose to volunteer for an organization such as I have, you may or may not have a personal story. Unfortunately I do, as well as my sisters. The 3 of us lost our mothers-in-law to cancer. So when I heard about Reality Rally, I just knew I had to get involved. Knowing that Reality Rally was created to help raise funds for Michelle's Place Cancer Resource Center. A place where those dealing with cancer can go. I am passionate about Michelle's Place, they make sure that anyone that is facing cancer is not alone. They have caring patient navigators that help guide all that come for assistance. Michelle's Place provides many services for those in need and at no cost. This is simply amazing. When Bill and Marilyn Watson's daughter Michelle lost her battle to cancer, they created this wonderful non-profit for families to go for support in memory of their daughter. Take a moment to hear their story Michelle's Place Founder Video and here's a message from Michelle...
"If there is any message I could pass on it would be to take today's opportunities and live your dreams. I know sometimes it's hard not to be stressed out by life and bogged with minor problems. Try to remember what matters most to your heart and be thankful for what you do have."
~Michelle Watson
Hearing Michelle's words, I take heed. I count my blessings and I'm so ever grateful for my family & friends, I volunteer in my community to help where I can. As my father once said to me, "Joanie, don't dwell on things you cannot change but focus on what you can." Let's make change together, join us for one or all of our events. You'll be happy you did. Reality Rally Events
If you have any questions about our game on Saturday, please email. I'd love to hear from you!